Rodney Howard Browne – Regina Testimony

Since being under this teaching by Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne I have realized how very important it is to keep our hearts right because it is the soil in which the seed; the Word of God has to take root. We have to continually do weeding in the area of our hearts. We are the gatekeeper of our hearts. We have to guard our hearts against offence. Offences will always try to come our way as soon as you deal with one here comes another. This is how Satan tries to rob us of the Word producing a harvest in our lives. Tribulation and persecution will also come for the sake of the Word. We must not only be hearers of the Word but doers also hearing with the ear of our heart. God has personally been dealing with me and doing a work in the area of the soil of my heart. I understand now why in Proverbs 4:23 says “To keep thine heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” We have to constantly allow God to deal with us in the area of the soil of our heart. We have to keep a pure heart like walking in love with those around us; family, etc. We can’t give place to the enemy. I have seen so many changes in me over the last six months since I’ve been here. I know that God’s Word will produce a harvest when continually applied to a situation or circumstances. I can’t wait to see what else God does in me and through me on a daily basis.


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